Here’s What Our Clients Say About Sievewright & Associates


“At Filene, we strive to deliver research and innovation to inspire people to understand the opportunities for cooperative finance to transform communities and lives. Since I’ve known him, Mark Sievewright has been a tremendous advocate of our research efforts and has been engaged with us in our i3 program, The Cooperative Trust and, more recently, with the launch of our Center of Excellence for Performance and Operational Excellence. Mark’s ability to think strategically is coupled with a pretty unique depth of knowledge around industry trends, especially in the technology arena. He has a genuine passion for credit unions and their continued success. He knows what credit unions need to do to be successful, how to anticipate member needs, the importance of channel alignment, and I know that he has helped many credit unions create winning strategies.”


Mark Meyer – CEO, Filene Research Institute


“I first met Mark well over a decade ago when he was CEO at the TowerGroup. Back then, he emphasized to credit unions here in New England how technology was going to transform the financial services business and how critical it was for us to keep pace. He was right! Since then, we’ve worked with Mark in a number of different ways – he has been engaged in our Strategic Planning process and, also, helped us with our technology transformation here at Navigant. He took personal ownership of our relationship with Fiserv while he was there and supported us with some major technology upgrades, including a new core system. Mark has a tremendous grasp of our business and what credit unions need to do to continue to grow and prosper.”


Gary Furtado – President & CEO, Navigant FCU


“We invited Mark to present at our Strategic Planning session over 10 years ago and he has been engaged with RBFCU in one way or another ever since! When we first met, his views on the future of technology were a catalyst for us to transform our technology infrastructure. He has always been able to see “the bigger picture” and advise credit unions on what they need to do to be successful. While leading the credit union business at Fiserv, Mark never wavered in his commitment to our business partnership and his passion for credit union is obvious.”


Mary O’Rourke – EVP & Chief of Staff, Randolph-Brooks FCU


“Mark has supported us in our annual Strategic Planning process for almost a decade. His industry insights and perspectives on the future have given us a platform from which to develop and execute initiatives to grow our credit union and best serve our members. We regard Mark as an extension of our credit union and he has proven to be an outstanding business partner for us. His depth of understanding of the financial services industry is very impressive and, invariably, he can relate what is going on in the global business environment with what we should be doing to advance our business here at SCFCU.”


Scott Woods – President & CEO, South Carolina Federal CU


“Mark has served as a treasured member of the SCMS faculty team for more than a decade, sharing his perspectives and insights with our third-year graduating students. Each year, he is ranked among the top faculty members at the School – his 2016 class “Business & Technology Trends: How Credit Unions Can Compete to Win” was rated a 4.97 out of a possible 5.00 by our credit union students! No easy accomplishment. Mark has unerringly provided insights on the future direction of the financial services business and relates his views – in a very practical way – to what credit unions need to do to survive and thrive. Countless credit union leaders who have attended SCMS formed a bond with Mark that lasted well beyond the School – in fact, his ability to connect with people is one of his great qualities.”


Janine McBee, CUDE, CMM – Director & Synergist, Southwest CUNA Management School (SCMS)


“I first met Mark in my capacity as a member of the CUNA Board and, subsequently, engaged him to speak with our Board of Directors and senior leadership team at UFCU as part of our 2017 Strategic Planning work. It is clear that Mark has extraordinary vision, perspective and insight on the financial services industry. Also, his facilitation of our discussion was outstanding as reflected in the highly positive feedback he received from our team. Before he worked with us, he made sure to take the time to learn about our business. Mark is passionate about the credit union movement and cares deeply about credit unions remaining relevant, serving with purpose and winning more market share.”


Tony Budet – President & CEO, University FCU


“I’ve known Mark for more than 15 years and he has consistently – and very accurately – provided insights on the future of the financial services industry which have informed our strategies and actions at UMassFive FCU. He has a very deep and clear understanding of credit unions, the business we’re in and what we need to do to continue to remain relevant and prosper. During his time leading the Credit Union Solutions business at Fiserv, Mark worked tirelessly to make certain that we were getting what we needed to be successful. The care and attention he has shown to my credit union not only reflects the importance he places on our credit union’s success and our business relationship but, also, the passion he has for the Movement as a whole.”


Kathy Hutchinson, President & CEO, UMassFive College FCU


“Mark has participated in our annual Strategic Planning meeting for almost a decade, including my first as the new CEO here in 2016. He has always been able to predict future trends and relate them to our business and what’s going to be important to continue to drive our success. His contributions to our strategy work have provided us with a very strong foundation on which to build our plans and initiatives and our Board of Directors and senior leadership team regard Mark as “one of us”. We can discuss multiple aspects of our business with him – including our technology strategy, member service and marketing initiatives, financial goals and growth plans – and, simply put, he ‘gets it’.”


Jason Peach, CCE – President & CEO, West Community CU