The Digital Maturity Assessment Program is designed to help Credit Unions understand their current digital ecosystem and how it compares to industry best practices.  The assessment is a vital component in developing the Digital Roadmap or Action Plan for the credit union based on achieving their strategic goals and driving innovation.


How is this achieved?



Through the use of our proprietary process and tools, we will partner with the credit union to assess their current Digital Maturity levels.  This will be the baseline from which we will develop the plan.



With the baseline established, we then determine areas of focus for the credit union based on their strategic goals, industry best practices and, appetite for innovation.



The areas of focus will be outlined in a well-defined Digital Road Map or Action Plan.  This will act as the catalyst for the credit union’s ability to achieve their desired level of Digital Maturity.



Accountability is key as the credit union begins and continues through its Digital Transformation. With this in mind, DIGITALMAP includes a periodic reassessment process to ensure the credit union is on track.

Learn more about how your Credit Union can benefit from DIGITALMAP by booking your custom, 30-minute informational session.